Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quick Stop in Siena, then on to Passignano for Lunch

Giant grapes in Siena!

Siena's Basilica.

On the drive to lunch.

Outside the restaurant in Passignano.

Mimi, Bernie, Joanna, and I.

Lunch at Osteria di Passignano.

Left to Right: Deep-fried cheese, vegetable foam, and butter in olive oil.

Eggplant dumplings in ricotta cheese sauce.

Tomato tortellini in some cream sauce.

Porchini mushroom lasagne.

Yes, another course.  Mini tomato burgers with quail eggs, 
more tomato thingies, and a barley pattie.

Couldn't do it.

The light at the end of the tunnel!  
Chocolate with strawberry and raspberry fillings.

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