Friday, January 11, 2013


"What do you miss about Toronto?"
Class Assignment

I miss routine and reliability.  Florence functions in a way I’m not accustom to, even four months in.  I have developed somewhat of a routine, but the reliability is not there.  I miss being able to find what I need, when I need it, whether it be food, photography stuff, or Tylenol, the fact is nine out of ten times I’m not going to find it or it will be ridiculously expensive.  You take for granted places like Walmart, Shoppers Drugmart, and grocery stores like Loblaws, where you’re able to walk in and do a one-stop shop finding close to everything you need. I understand routine is abstract and not a specific place in Toronto, but it has its place in Toronto, it’s just different for everyone.  Where do you go? What do you do?  Grabbing some take-out Chinese, hearing someone shoveling snow, getting your extra large coffee knowing you’re late for class, or having the “Believe in the Lord” man in Dundas square scare the shit out of you every time.  It might all seem mundane or commonplace, but if your routine or at least some of your habits are thrown off, you feel it and miss it.  I am a creature of habit and I like what I like!

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