Sunday, November 11, 2012

Paris Day One - Louvre

Broken polarizer makes cool pictures.

First meal in Paris and it isn't pasta!

Richard Avedon.

Joanna at the Pompidou art gallery.

James Bond runs the coat check.

Man Ray.

Diane Arbus.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Hotel bathroom was in the middle of the stairs.

Hallway to our room was only wide enough for one.

Shot of the room, complete with sink, bidet, and flat screen tv.

Joanna doesn't want Pizza Hut.

She likes the little blue guy.

Pretty swanky subway entrance.

A store dedicated to killing pests.

Outside the Louvre.

Found her.

Had to do it. 
Photo by Joanna Fishbein - in case you couldn't guess.

He had it coming.

Looks like the Death Star.

Joanna looking at a Turner.

Looks just like him.

Me in the Louvre!

Cool ceiling.

"Raft of the Medusa" Gericault.

"Liberty Leading the People" Delacroix.

Another cool ceiling.

"Grande Odalisque" Ingres.

Joanna outside the Louvre.

Outside the Louvre.

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