Sunday, March 31, 2013

Last History Trip: Assisi & La Verna

Trained doves.  Peter says they're from Hollywood.

Learning about the life of Saint Francis.



Kat and Morena.

Church that was built around Saint Francis's humble church (which is still standing in the middle).  Peter says this is a horrible church caused by people with too much love for Saint Francis and too much money.


Matt and Peter.


View from Assisi.

Daniel forgot his scout hat.


Rebecca and Matt.

David needs a new backpack.

The sun came out.

Cat didn't care for Matt.

Joanna and the boar head.

Renee and David.

The nails.


Beauty and the landscape.

Bit windy.


Walking to the monastery in La Verna for dinner.

Very foggy up on the mountain in La Verna.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Curated by Charlie Young
Presented by OCAD University Florence Off-Campus Program
Featuring: Kori Baum, Deb Blok, David Clark, Jodi Dutchak, Renee Dykeman, Sarah Ferreira, Joanna Fishbein, Kat Gomboc, Megan Hunter, Juli Kim, Rebecca Ladds, Morena Lopez, Daniel McNamara, Ela Opas, Hannah Pertovsky, Julia Redding and Tania Santer

Sotopòrtego (n) – a characteristic feature of the architecture of Venice, a sotopòrtego is tunnel-like structure built into the ground flour of a building to allow passage between two streets. This allows freer movement in the confusing and maze-like city.

Peter introducing the show in Italian (curator Charlie beside him).

Joanna and her piece.

Refreshments for the guests.

Nice old man really wanted to take a picture of us.

Advertising the show...and the free wine.

Renee and David.

Being intellectuals.